Tank You Very Much! - Thank You Cookies

We are getting a fish tank. So, we need to thank (or "tank") the guy who is giving it to us.

We made him some "Tanks a lot" cookies... I think these will do it.

What You Need:
Chocolate Roll-Out Cookies
Buttercream Icing (or canned icing)
  OR Royal Icing
Nerds Candy
Swedish Fish Candy

 I made the cookies into rectangular shapes, and helped the kids spread the blue icing on them. (This is the hardest part.)

We added Nerds candy for the rocks, and Swedish fish for the fish.

They added some plants and their messages: "Tanks a lot." "Tank you." "Tanks, Andy" with a piping bag and some green and orange icing.

Perfect! Cute and grateful.

* You could easily use Royal Icing for these, as well, and they would probably turn out a little better. But we were going for simple this time around.

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