Blue Ribbon Cookies

My boys have a big swim meet today... so I made them, and their teammates some Blue Ribbon cookies. These cookies are pretty easy to do, though they did take a bit of time just because of all of the little extra touches.

What You Need:
1 Recipe Chocolate Roll Out Cookies
   (You could also use Vanilla Sugar Cookies)
1 Recipe Royal Icing
   (Blue and Yellow coloring)
Gold Pearl Dust
Clear Vanilla
Icing Tip #2
Optional: Fluted cutter


 Make one batch of sugar cookies, Chocolate are our favorite.
You can see that I used my special rolling pin that embosses "Beki Cook's Cakes" on the back of the cookies. SO fun!
I then used a ruler and a pastry cutter to cut 2"x7" rectangles of dough.

I used a small fluted cutter to cut the bottom of the ribbon, and a knife to cut the point at the top of the cookie.
These cookies took 10 minutes to bake, instead of the usual 8 minutes - because they're so big.

royal icing, and filled it in with white flooding icing. (As you can see, I turn the embossed side to the bottom so that it shows when I'm done.)

I let the icing dry for a few hours, then used a mixture of clear vanilla and gold pearl dust to paint the swimmers and the little "holes" at the top gold. This had to be done before I flooded the cookies with blue because it gets a little messy - at least it does when I do it.

Next, the cookies need outlining and filling with a royal blue icing. (I can't wait to see the colors these kids' mouths will turn!)

The finishing touches were the writing (in white), and the yellow strings.
(I used the rope border technique which I've shown before here.)

Note: Sorry for the inconsistencies of the photos in this post. My old computer died, so I still need to get all of my old programs back. 

Click the Links Below to See:

Chocolate Roll-Out Cookie Recipe
Royal Icing Recipe
How to get the correct icing consistency
Rope Border

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