Thunder Cake with the Kids

We have a book, Thunder Cake. book all about how a little girl gets over her fear of thunder storms by baking this cake Thunder Cake with the Kids It's a kids' book all about how a little girl gets over her fear of thunder storms by baking this cake with her grandma.

My boys have wanted to bake a "Thunder Cake" ever since we got the book months ago. We finally had a chance to do it, with some friends this week.

The photos for this post are few and far between, because making anything with four 5-year-olds in the room pretty much means damage control at all times.... like when one of my own children turned on the Kitchen Aid, while I was scraping down the bowl, sending the spatula and batter flying. Thankfully, not damaging the mixer.

You can find the recipe for the cake on the book's website, here. I would share it, but really, it's pretty meaningless unless you read the story to go along with it. I will say, that if we make it again, I will have to alter the recipe, and add a little of "Old Kick Cow's" milk to the batter instead of the water. The cake was a little too crumbly for me.

The kids, of course, didn't seem to mind.

Click this link to buy Thunder Cake through my link. book all about how a little girl gets over her fear of thunder storms by baking this cake Thunder Cake with the Kids

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