The Best Way to Say Thank You -- Cookies

I have amazingly awesome friends. I decided last weekend that I needed to do something to thank them for being so fantastic. So, of course, being that I'm me... I made them cookies.

What You Need:
Vanilla Sugar Cookies
Royal Icing - in white and multiple colors
Tips #1 & #2
Plastic Wrap (for Icing Bag Bullets)
Zipper top baggie

I chose two simple shapes for these cookies, circles, and fluted rectangles.
To make the icing... I made 4 pastel shades for my foreign languages, and grey/black for the "Thank You." You only need about 1/4 cup of the outline consistency for each color. You need about 1 1/2 to 2 cups of the flood consistency white for 2 dozen cookies.

To allow the pastel words to sink into the white, you need to pipe the words on the white icing as soon as you fill in the cookie. Don't let it dry. Decorate each cookie as you fill it.
Do wait 30 minutes or more on the "Thank You." I piped the Thank You with tip #2 and the others with tip #1. I like how the Thank You sticks up compared to the others that sink in.

The Thank Yous that I used:
Arigato (Japanese), Asante (Swahili), Danke (German), Gracias (Spanish), Grazie (Italian), Mahalo (Hawaiian), Merci (French), Tack (Swedish).

I then bagged up the cookies, and delivered them to my friends' front doors. It's good to share the love-- and the cookies!

Click the Links Below to See:
Vanilla Sugar Cookie Recipe
Royal Icing Recipe
Cookie Decorating Ideas and Tricks

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