The Cookie Plate

You know those beautiful pictures of dessert tables you find on all of the baking blogs? The ones where everything is matched by color and they're on assorted heights of plates and there are perfectly matched decorations to go along with them?

That is SO not my life. Do I wish it were? Sure. But it's just not.
In my life, I have...
The Cookie Plate. This means Christmas to me.
It's a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It doesn't match anything. And I LOVE IT!

My In-Laws have their cookie plate. It lives on the counter for the entire few days surrounding Christmas. It's re-stocked often... almost never totally full. (...if I'm around, anyway.  They have something called restraint. I still don't, 10 years later.)

The cookie plate was a wedding gift from my husband's mother's cousin. (uh-huh)

This is as close to a dessert table as you'll ever get at my house.

How do you "showcase" your holiday goodies??

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