How to Ship Decorated Cookies

You won't find a Christmas or winter holidays post on this website until after Thanksgiving, that I assure you.
BUT, in case you're thinking that you may want to make some cookies and send them to someone for whatever holiday or event coming up, here's how I do it:

Start with your awesome cookies that are completely dried.

Prepare individual baggies or treat bagst find a Christmas or winter holidays post on this website until after Thanksgiving How to Ship Decorated Cookies for them. (I use the baggies because I feel more confident in their air-tightness, because they lay flatter, and because I'm generally a cheapskate. But treat bags would be prettier.)

Put just a few cookies in each baggie. You want them to be in one layer inside the bag. (You can use as large of a baggie as your box will hold.)
Line the bottom of the box with either packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or a little bit of both. Lay one layer of cookies on top of the packaging.

Now, alternate layers of bubble wrap and baggies of cookies. Keeping each layer separate. This helps keep the cookies from breaking.

The thicker your cookies are, and the fewer thin parts (think horse's legs or other small pieces), the better chance that they'll arrive in one piece.

Top with a little more bubble wrap and/or packing peanuts.

And, of course, a card.

Tape it shut, and take it to the FedEx store... or wherever is best near you. (I've found for me FedEx goes fastest and is cheapest, but I think it totally depends on where you are.)

I have it on good authority that all of these cookies arrived in one piece. But, then, it was my Grandma who told me that, and Grandmas are known to occasionally stretch the truth to spare their grandchildren's feelings. (But seriously, my sister and dad have also gotten cookies that I wrapped like this, and have said they were not broken.)

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